
Tjockleksmätning av kalendrar

Beröringsfri mätning av profiltjocklek på kalendrar (tjocklek 0,3 mm till 18 mm)

För tillverkning av lindade motstånd eller plåtvaror i kalandrar är tjockleksmätningen en viktig faktor för att kontrollera och övervaka produktionsprocessen. Genom att tillämpa system i RTP-serien kan profiltjockleken mätas i olika noggrannhetsklasser, tjockleksintervall och materialbredder.


  • Permanent hög produktkvalitet samtidigt som råvaruanvändningen minskar
  • Snabb kontroll under uppvärmning eller produktbyte tack vare adaptiv hastighet och högdynamisk mätning
  • Inga följdkostnader på grund av isotoper eller röntgen
  • Slitagefria mätningar istället fö radiometriska tester
  • Högsta temperaturstabilitet tack vare in-situ kalibrering
  • Kundspecifikt, justerbart gränssnitt


  • Materialbredd från 50 mm till 3 800 m
  • Materialmatning upp till 25 m/min
  • Tillåten yttemperatur på material: max 100° C


Produkter i RTP-familjen är utformade som C- eller O-ramar vilka är utrustade med applikationsspecifik sensorteknologi (thru-beam, triangulering eller laserlinjetriangulering).

The system RTP 8301.EO operates according to a combination principle consisting of a thru-beam sensor, an eddy current sensor and a measuring roller. The eddy current sensor and the thru-beam sensor are applied on an innovative measuring clamp. Since the sensor measures the distance from the clamp to the roller, the lower side of the material is detected. As the sensor performance is specially aligned with the measuring task a huge measuring gap is possible while offering highest precision. The thru-beam sensor detects the upper side of the material. The thickness of the target is the difference between the two signals. The measuring clamp is equipped with a pneumatically cleaning mechanism and therefore ideal for the application in harsh environment. The profilometer corresponds to the TIP 8301 regarding its functionality. However, it has a different operators´ frontend and evaluation functions.

Special features:

  • Linearity ±5µm
  • Measuring gap 15mm
  • Dimensional thickness measurement, independent from material components

The RTP 8301.CT is based on laser triangulation sensors and therefore ensures the measurement being independently from material constants. The system is designed as O-frame, both sensors detect the thickness according to the differential method. In order to ensure highest precision, the laser beams of the sensors are accurately adjusted during the production process using optoelectronic tools which have been specially developed. The system is ideal for monitoring high-dynamically processes due to its high measuring rate. The O-frame mechanics of the system dispose of a compensation frame which does not vary with temperature and which is used in order to avoid temperature fluctuations of the measuring frame using further sensors. The profilometer corresponds to the TIP 8301.CT regarding its functionality. However, it has a different operators´ frontend and evaluation functions.

Special features:

  • Linearity ±5µm
  • Measuring gap 18mm
  • Dimensional thickness measurement, independent from material components

The RTP 8302.T is based on the laser triangulation sensors and therefore ensures the measurement being independently from material constants. In order to ensure highest precision, the laser beams of the sensors are accurately adjusted during the production process using optoelectronic tools which have been specially developed. The system is ideal for monitoring high-dynamically processes due to its high measuring rate. The C-frame mechanics of the system disposes of an automated in-situ calibration in order to avoid interferences caused by temperature.

Special features:

  • Linearity from ±5µm
  • Measuring ranges up to 20mm
  • Immersion depth from 50° to 1,000mm
  • Special sizes on request
  • Measuring rate to 20kHz

The RTP 8302.LLT is based on the laser line triangulation sensors and therefore ensures the measurement being independently from surface characteristics of the target material. Combined to point sensors, the system offers more precision in the case of gap width. The C-frame mechanics of the system disposes of an automated in-situ calibration in order to avoid interferences caused by temperature.

Special features:

  • Linearity ±10µm, 40mm measuring range
  • Gap width 300mm
  • Immersion depth from 50° to 1,000mm
  • Special sizes on request
  • Measuring rate to 2kHz
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